Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Ojala te de herpes genital, supurante y sangrante;
Y se lo pases a toda tu familia...Que todos agonizen eternamente del dolor.
el dia que tengas el herpes mas grande de tu vida, ojalá te le caiga sal y cuando te le vayas a echar agua, ojala le eches limonada.

Y si existe el diablo, que salga del infierno y te condene a toda una eternidad de sufrimiento, agonía y correazos mojados sin ropa.

Y si tienes una hija, ojala le pase lo que le paso a andrea.

Claro, no puedo concluir mis deseos, sin antes darte las gracias por joderme el dia de hoy...y el de mañana...y asi el resto de mis dias hasta que pueda arreglar el rayón que le hiciste a mi carro nuevo de 3 semanas que aun huele a nuevo.

No me molesta el hecho de que me hayas chocado...eso le pasa a cualquiera. Lo que me incojona es que te hayas ido y no me hayas ni dejado un papelito que diga "aim sori".

El carro aun no esta pago, y no parece nuevo...por lo menos no de ese lado.

Quiza no te pase nada de esto hoy, o mañana...Pero cuando te pase, espero que cierres los ojos y veas la images de carro todo feo, rayado y chocado.

A ti que me chocaste y huiste...Mis peores deseos el día de hoy.



Saturday, May 06, 2006

To Whom It May Concern

Smashing Pumpkins - Appels + Oranjes

What if the sun refused to shine?
What if the clouds refused to rain?
What if the wind refused to blow?
What if the seas refused to wave?
What if the world refused to turn?
What if the stars would hesitate?

What if, what is isn't true?
What are you going to do?
What if, what is isn't you?
Does that mean you've got to lose?
Digging for the feel of something new

What if the silence let you dream?
What if the air could let you breathe?
What if the words would bring you here?
What if this sound could bring you peace?

What if, what is isn't true?
What are you going to do?
Digging for the feel of something new
What if, what is isn't you?
Does that mean you've got to lose?

It came from your thoughts, your dreams and visions
Ripped up from your weeks and indecisions

What if the sun refused to shine?
What if the clouds refused to rain?
What if the world refused to turn?
What if the clocks would hesitate?

What if, what is isn't true?
What are you going to do?
What if, what is isn't you?
Does that mean you've got to lose?
Digging for the feel of something new

Does that mean you've got to choose?
The feel of something new
Does that mean you've got to lose?
The thoughts you cannot lose
What are you gonna do?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Random Thoughts From the back of my head

The good thing about being in jail is you don't have to wake up in the middle of the night and wonder if you locked the door.

Its so cool to be in school these days. You got all sort of cool things like Internet to do your homework, and teachers have sex with their students. If my teacher had sex with me when I was in school, I would have gone to school on new years day.

People say Christopher Colombus discovered America. How the fuck can you discover a country thats allready ocupied by people? Thats like me going to your garage and discovering your car and taking it back home with me.

Suicide is not glamorous and should not be portrayed in a positive light.

Cooties don't exist.

Every time you tell a lie, an angel looses its wings.